Saturday, September 29, 2012

Back to San Diego (trip pt 7)

It was time to go back to San Diego so we drove from Casper to Denver and made really good time. Unfortunately good time meant that I arrived at the airport over two hours early. I wasn't really looking forward to sitting in the terminal for two hours but then I remembered that they had a USO. I checked in and relaxed with some free sandwiches, drinks and really comfy chair. It was so comfy that I had to be careful not to fall asleep and miss my flight.

Marylin Monroe even welcomed me!

We flew on Colorado "The Ram" and I got a good picture of the Salton Sea.

Even though I was sitting in the middle the guy next to the window was nice and let me lean across and film the landing. I am always amazed coming into San Diego, we fly right over downtown. It was a pretty hard landing.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Ranch (trip pt 6)

Out time is up at the ranch and it was time to head back to Casper but not before the evening's last meal of chicken fried steak, mmm mmm good. Evidentaly Bella was waiting for one of the steaks to jump out of the pan and onto the floor.

The light was just right on the morning we left to get this really cool picture of dam from downstream.

Coming in we didn't see any wildlife but on the way out we saw two rafters of wild turkeys.

Once back in Casper the food kept coming. Not sure where dad got these shrimp but they are the largest I have ever seen.

We also celebrated Tank's 50th birthday. His request for dinner was bacon wrapped filets. Very good!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Ranch (trip pt 5)

Any visit requires a hike up Fisher Mountain. I am not sure how far our property goes but I know it borders the National Forest. Fisher Mountain's summit is around 7,400 ft but we only went up to about 5,500 ft ( I am guessing). We actually have an upper meadow/ corral (minus the corral since it burned years ago during a really bad forest fire) however it was too hot and we were too out of shape to make it all the way.


I got some really good pictures of our cabin and the outlying canyons. The only wildlife we saw was an Eagle high above.

When I went out on a rock peninsula I did see some elk or deer scat and hoof prints but that was it.

The outcropping was about 2 ft by 2ft at the end and about 200ft down to the river on the far side. It was a really cool view. I wish I had taken my camera but I gave it to my brother to take my picture.

Friday, September 14, 2012

TV Down

We interrupt these vacation posts to bring you an important message. MY TV CRAPPED OUT!!!!

I had a 42" Philips Plasma TV that I bought in August of 2005 for a whopping $3,000 and then I got a pretty good deal. What a difference 7 years makes. I purchased this 50" Panasonic Plasma for $600 and got a 3 year additional warranty for $60. That give me 5 years on the thing and it will probably go out at 5 1/2.

I wanted to get a LCD TV because they are lighter and use less energy. However they can be more expensive. We had a limit of no more than $1000 and I saw a 60" Samsung LED back lit LCD for $1,069 but by the time the tax was added and if I got a 3 year warranty ($100) it would have been significantly over my budget.

My old TV weighed 97lbs and the new one weighs in at 67 lbs. LCDs are around 40 lbs depending on the size.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Ranch (trip pt 4)

We finally arrived at the Ranch and one of the first orders of business was to do the chores. Everyone must do their part for the upkeep. We mowed and trimmed the yard/pasture. It wasn't too difficult. After that it was Miller Time, or actually Corona Time. Time to relax and enjoy nature. For the first three days it was really nice with temperatures in the upper 70s during the day and the mid 50s at night.

We got the XM radio station set up for the tunes.

Yes, this is bear poop. Before we arrived there were some bears hanging out because we found four piles that were only a few days old.

We worked on the swimming hole on the creek but the first few days it was a little too cold to take a dip. My guess is that the water temperature was in the low 60s. Once you went numb it was OK but getting to that part didn't feel too good.

Not me, my brother. I was smart and took the picture.

Bella tolerated the water, just long enough to get her toy

Abby wasn't too impressed with the water and decided to stay on the shore.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Casper to the Ranch (trip pt 3)

It taks about 2-3 hours to reach the ranch from Casper. A stop at the Parkman Bar is always a must for a beer and a hamburger.

From Parkman it's a mile down the road then a left onto Pass Creek rd for about 17 miles.

The X-X hill is the highest point on Pass Creek and definitely worth a stop for a scenic photo op.

Finally you have to turn onto the cow pasture road for a rough few miles.

Our Ranch sits on the state-line and you actually have to cross into Montana then back into Wyoming.

There are three water crossings however depending on the time of the year the last one might be dry.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Colorado to Wyoming (trip pt 2)

I landed in Denver and was met by my brother and sister in-law. They were coming from New Mexico and we coordinated the pick-up. We then drove the remaining 4 1/2 hours to Casper. Not too much to see and the drive can be quite boring. However I did find a few things worth taking a picture.

Denver International Airport


We spent two days in Casper before trekking north to the Ranch. You never know what kind of wildlife you will find in Casper. I looked out the front door and we had a family of deer , doe and two fawns, grazing in the front yard.

Bonus Photo!!! Last night got a cool picture of the moon rising.