We finally arrived at the Ranch and one of the first orders of business was to do the chores. Everyone must do their part for the upkeep. We mowed and trimmed the yard/pasture. It wasn't too difficult. After that it was Miller Time, or actually Corona Time. Time to relax and enjoy nature. For the first three days it was really nice with temperatures in the upper 70s during the day and the mid 50s at night.
We got the XM radio station set up for the tunes.
Yes, this is bear poop. Before we arrived there were some bears hanging out because we found four piles that were only a few days old.
We worked on the swimming hole on the creek but the first few days it was a little too cold to take a dip. My guess is that the water temperature was in the low 60s. Once you went numb it was OK but getting to that part didn't feel too good.
Not me, my brother. I was smart and took the picture. |
Bella tolerated the water, just long enough to get her toy
Abby wasn't too impressed with the water and decided to stay on the shore.