Friday, April 26, 2013

Fountain...Toilet...What's the difference?

It was such a beautiful day that when I got home this afternoon I decided to wait outside in the courtyard for "A" to get home. I walked over to the fountain and noticed the water was dirty. As I looked closer I was like "oh no way in hell did someone crap in my fountain!" But alas some scumbag did in fact defecate in my nice clean fountain. Of all the things that I thought might happen, I can honestly say this was one that never came to mind.

So I spent the next hour and a half emptying it and then using bleach/water to disinfect it. I just pretended that I was a plumber and they do this stuff all the time.

So there are going to be a few changes:
1. My landscape lights are now going to be on dusk to dawn.
2. I am going to install some cameras.
3. Booby trap the fountain with something that will blow their B@@LS off next time.

I have once again put the picture below the fold so that if you did not want to look at it you won't have too. But we both know that you really will look at it :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Land Shark

Driving home Friday I spotted the deadly Land Shark carousing by.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

California Bums

I went to eat lunch with my boss, we usually eat once a week, and today we were at Chipotle Mexican Grill. This guy was actually taking a nap in the parking lot. I have seen a lot here in Cali but never seen this. Especially when there was a nice comfy spot of grass just behind and to the right.

The guy in the background is a fellow bum comrade and at first I thought that he was going to wake the dude up and have him move. But nope, in true bum fashion they chatted while the dude on the ground smoked a cigarett. The other guy then went back to the street with his cardboard sign. Keep in mind this is lunch time and the parking lot will fill up soon.

After about 15 minutes the guy gets up walks over to us and asks for a quarter, of course I said no, and then he moved on. Funny thing is I really did have a quarter in my pocket, lunch was $6.75.

No bums were hurt in the making of this report.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Veggies in the ground

This year I got a jump on the planting and went to Home Depot. I only purchased 4 since that is all that will really fit in my planter. I want to build a larger one under our office window...eventually.

So this year is about the same as last, except I did not get cilantro. From L-R

Early Girl Tomato

Green Onions (A took some nubs of green onions from the store and stuck them in the ground a while back. I cant believe they are actually growing. I never watered them.)

Big Bertha Bell Pepper

Sweet Red Pepper

Sweet Basil

You will also notice I am growing a nice arragement of clover. I need to work on that.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Promotional giveaways

Every company has them. They are the key chains, pens, pencils, cups, stress balls. They are meant to be taken and placed around the house, in the office, or used.

But....what does a funeral home have? Well if you are Westford Funeral Home then I guess you might use a Frisbee with a baseball player taking a swing. WTF??? That is what I thought when I first saw it.

What really blows my mind is that someone thought up the idea and I am sure bounced if off someone else and they said "Frisbee with a baseball player to represent our funeral home? Damn fine idea."

"A" somehow acquired it from her host family in Bellingham, WA. I don't know how long she had it but I am pretty sure it was before we were married. She has wanted to get rid of it several time but I won't let her. I mean come on, how funny is that! A funeral home with a Frisbee give a way. Hahaha.

Because when I think of Frisbees , I think of cremation.