The Electricians did their thing and the painter kind of did his. I got word that the work was done and all that remained was to clean up. Mmmm maybe not so fast. The guy said to take a look and if I noticed anything then to write up a punch list. They were suppose to use flat paint for the entire condo except the kitchen, bathrooms and doors. It turns out that everything was done in flat (actually eggshell).

Then I discovered they painted over the bath fixtures. Not sure why they did that, but not good. And it continued downhill, because someone used the toilet in the guest bathroom and did not flush it. Now granted the handle was broken, so it would not flush, but is it that hard to lift up the tank lid and pull the flapper up? I mean C'MON MAN!! I guess the guy figured out that something was wrong when his turd didn't magically go away. He must have thought that the water was off so he turned the water supply "off". Guess he never heard of "righty tighty, lefty loosey". So if you turn the knob and you turd still doesnt go away, LIFT THE DAMN TANK LID AND TAKE A LOOK!!!! Nope "I'll just leave it and hope no one notices".
Moving on they also painted over the vents, which is actually a good thing, because they were pretty nasty and we were thinking of replacing them.
There were other smaller discrepancies and so I made the punch list and also texted Elmer. He is the guy in charge and I am pretty sure he did not do this painting job. I got a text back this morning and he was not too happy. He left the painter on his own to do the job trusting that he would do a good jobe. It turns out the semi-gloss was there but the guy he used to paint did not "notice" it. So today he is sending over another painter to repaint using the semi-gloss and fix all the over spray.
Speaking of over spray, I mentioned that one of the toilets handle was broke? Well we bought two new toilets (which we will get a rebate on due to the high effecincy) and placed them in the bath tub for the floor guys to install. Damn if the painter did not get paint on it when they washed their stuff in the tub.
Apparently my dry wall patch job and texture work sucked. Once the paint was up it really stood out. More work for me, yea! These are the photos before the painting.
Thursday the floor guys should begin their work!