Sunday, May 11, 2014

Busy or Lazy?

I would have to go with the lazy side. That's the only excuse I can come up with as to why I haven't written for over a month. Although I will say we haven't done much to write about, but still I can do better.

I share with you two projects:

1. We finally applied teak oil to our furniture in the courtyard. It was looking really ratty and was in need of some TLC

2. We lowered our bed. This thing was really high, over 31", and now it is 18". It got to where our dog could not jump up or get down without possible hurting herself. Besides I never really liked a bed that high anyway. We took off the legs of our bed frame and removed the box springs. This also had an additional bonus, without the box springs the bed is firmer.

Of course I also had to lower the lamps and now we have to figure out what to do with the box springs :(