Ok, so it has been over a month since I posted, I've been busy!!! Well kinda. A lot of progress has been made on the kitchen and this weekend we are suppose to get the cabinets installed. From that point it should be a hop, skip, and a jump to the finish line. Below are the photos of all the work that has transpired in the last month. My brother flew out for 3 weeks and helped out immensely. Without his assistance I would still be laying tile.

The beginning, measuring out the "corner stone tile" everything will be based off it.

Work in progress, breakfast nook.


Finished, looking from the b-fast nook through the kitchen into the mudroom/pantry

Hung our TV, FINALLY!!!

Hid all the cables behind the wall

I spent hours in the attic/sauna. this is looking down from the right of the chimney. Below is the built-in shelves that hold the TV equipment

This is looking down where the TV is hung. The brick is the chimney and the bottom of the photo is the wall where we hung the TV.
I guess it was so hard to hung the TV on the wall.
Now it's on the best position for couching.
You lost some weight thru this time DIY in the space
like sauna room. For some people, the truth is opposite
as the beer after DIY is great.
Take care Brett!
It was not too hard to hang the TV and I did sweat a lot in the attic, but I am not sure that I lost much weight. Unfortunately.
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