As we close in on the last major part of this courtyard project, the plants, we took an inspiration trip to
The Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College. Many of our plants are either native to the region or are drought tolerant, which is what we wanted. However we also did not want it to look like an Arizona yard that was all rocks and cactus.
In our design we have 40 plus types of plants that cover a wide spectrum of colors. Included in the photos below are some of the plants.
Heavenly Bamboo |
Crepe Myrtle (this one might be on the chopping block) |
Japanese Boxwood. Between the patio and house. |
Mexican Sage |
Aeonium |
Echeveria Afterglow |
Sticks on Fire |
This is not going in the garden but I thought the cork tree was kinda cool. This is what they make wine corks out of.
They had six types of grass and how much water each type used in a year..
I could not pass up a chance to take a photo of a humming bird. We hope to have many of them in our garden.
We do have a lot of these guys and he was just posing for me.
very cool ... really think you will like the sage plant. Have you thought about lavender? Yarrow? And why no Crepe Mrytle? That's a pretty one. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, we have the sage in a couple of pts that we transplanted when we built the wall. We really like them. Don't know what Yarrow is but will look it up.
The Crepe Myrtle is iffy because we are not sure we like the spread of the canopy. We might want something with more spread. Not sure yet.
I hope your garden will be paradise
for humming birds, and sometimes post lovely photo of them.
He(Gecko) is really photogenic!
I will take as many pictures of the wildlife as possible. I actually thought the Gecko was fake because I was able to get really close to him.
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