Monday, November 28, 2016

Now The Kitchen (Part 2)

Now that the kitchen cabinets are removed it was time to start on the floor. As the say "the right tool for the job" is really important. To get the tile up, I needed to get an impact hammer/chisle. So I spent $50 and rented one from Home Depot. It took about 2 hours to take up the tile and another hour or so to load it into the truck and go to the dump.

We then installed the backer board where I used 400 screws to insure it was not going anywhere. After taping and mortaring the joints we began the tiling process.  This is the part I was really not looking forward to. Tiling is not rocket science but it takes a toll on your back and knees.

loaded up

in line at the dump

sub-floor ready

backer board and 400 screws down

plans for the backer board and tile

sorted by pattern

keytile down


K said...

For floor replacement, I was worried about your back and legs as
it seemed to be a long time work. Hope you have no problem now.

tank.62 said...

So when I redo the south end of my house into a master bedroom and put addition onto the house for a bathroom, I'll contract the main construction out but do all the finish work myself. You should save up vacation time to come out and help me :)

Brett said...

K, my back and knees were really hurting but I have recovered. :)

Brett said...

Tank, Let me know when and I will check my availability.