Pulled up the linoleum and only found one "minor" problem. When we bought the house the owner said that in the mud room under the closet floor it lifted up/access or something like that. Not sure what I expected, however I did not expect a giant hole in the floor. I am guessing that at some time there was a plumbing issue and needed access. I am heartened to know that the floor is thick and has rebar.
Our friend who likes to destroy things got into the act of taking the baseboards off. She got a little overzealous and ended up taking out part of the wall. However looking to the positive we did learn that the inside walls are also framed in rebar. That is good to know if we ever want to move walls (I THINK NOT). I also learned that the walls are not lathe and plaster, but "button board and plaster".
Monday the electrician arrives to wire the ceiling and walls. WHOOHOO!!
The structure of your new house looks strong. That is good but gives you much extra work for DIY.
I imagine the "demolishing mania" is Phd Professor.
At first, I bookmarked this blog on
Firefox but it didn't work OK, so I re-bookmarked it on IE8. Now it works perfect. This is why I could
not put comment on last few pages.
Yes the demo demon is the Phd professor.
No prob on the comments I do appreciate them.
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