So last Saturday I began to frame out the soffits that we ripped out the previous weekend. It took me 5 hours to complete two pieces of drywall for the left soffit. If you remember, this house is made out of rebar and gunite, so I do not have any wooden studs to attach the dry wall. Nor do I have a lot of anything to attach my framing wood. In other words it is a pain in the A**!!
I was so disgusted and frustrated, I didn't even work on Sunday. Trust me, it is harder than it looks.
So now (above is right soffit) instead of trying to finish in one day/attempt I am now taking it easy and doing a little bit each day. (kinda like the song "dad I gotta go" "no son you can't have no genuine trunk coconut you bang your head") Much more relaxing. By the way if you got that last part about the song then you are OLD, LOL.
It really looks like a job for Pro.
So, "take it easy" is correct.
I'm looking forward to seeing your
Kitchen all done, but take your pace.
We are getting closer, tomorrow the electrician comes. I can do a lot but I know when a pro must do the job.
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