Get you minds out of the gutter, this is not about me taking a bath. It is about our feathered friends. I was reading a book Saturday and heard a commotion out back. I got up and there he (or she) was just having a grand 'ole time. He even had a peeping Tom at one point.

AHHH, finally alone at last, what a nice View.

Time to get busy, lets see; wash under the wings, between the toes, under the wings, and behind the ears.

Big bird "EEEK, what are you doing here watching me? Have you no shame? "
Little bird "So,do you come here often?"

Little bird "Wait don't leave."
Very charming photos! !
You have nice feathered friends there.
Big bird:
Yeah, almost everyday I take bathing here.
My human friends give fresh water everyday, and breakfast too!
Little bird: May I join?
LOL, I wonder if I can claim them as dependents on my tax return?
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