Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Drywall Nightmare

Holy Crap!!! To finish the drywall of the ex-soffits I had to lug these two very heavy pieces of wood up into the attic. The plan was to place them over the chicken wire and give something for the drywall to be screwed into. If you forgot, I don't have any wooden studs.

In the center, the attic has about enough clearance to crawl on your hands and knees. The problem is that you have to crawl over two air ducts. Oh and did I mention that they are wrapped with asbestos? The clearance is about 10 to 12 inches. No I am not kidding. The good news is that there are wooden planks that create a kinda catwalk to crawl.

So once I had those in place I finished with the drywall and then mudded the joints. The joint compound goes on pink and dries white. Hopefully in a few days I can sand and then re-joint again. It is a good thing that most of it will be covered with the cabinets because I suck.


K said...

It reminded me of Alien2, Ripley and Newt were crawling the duct.
When you treat the asbestos or get close to it, you'd better wear
a mask, I think. Take care.


Brett said...

LOL you are so right. I forgot about that and it is very similar. It is a good thing I did not think about that when I was up there, it might have creeped me out.