Monday, June 13, 2016

Stucco complete and floor installed

We are really close to the project finishing and us being able to move in. Actually the project is never finished around our household but we are close to moving in.

The electrician guy has done his part and today the floor guy and the stucco guys did their part. I talked with Jim (project manager) and he thinks he can get the final inspection this week. So that means that the deck will be put back together and the only thing remaining is for the floor guy to sand and urethane the floors next week.  We ripped off the carpet in the guest room and thankfully it was in pretty good condition.

The floor guy is not associated with our contractor because our contractor does not do floors, I know!
Anyway Jeremy, he's the floor guy, looks just like Nicholas Cage. I kid you not. If I can get a picture of him I will post it and you can judge for yourself.

Next Monday they should be able to sand and urethane and then a week after that we will start the move.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Painting Party and other things

So this weekend we finished painting the doors and the master bedroom, with the exception of the crown molding. That is for a later date.  The contractor installed the plumbing items (toilet, vanity, shower nozzles and handles. However they installed the wrong shower arm. Being a little taller than the average bear, I wanted the shower head to be higher than normal so that I did not have to duck my head to wash my hair, I hate that. I also wanted the shower head to extend further from the wall. We ordered and 8 inch shower arm but the plumber installed a much shorter one. I don't know if the place we ordered it from made a mistake or the contractor just grabbed the wrong one, either way I paid for it so they will install the one I wanted.

We asked the contractor to have all the inside work completed by June 13th with the exception of the base molding and hanging the doors. That way our floor guy can get his work completed.

We are almost there, just another 3 weeks or so.