Saturday, November 10, 2012

High Winds and a Basketball Game

This weekend we finally got our first winter storm. Keep in mind a winter storm for San Diego is probably a mild annoyance for most everyone else, but for us it's a big deal.  We probably got a half inch where we live but our mountains were suppose to around 6 inches of snow. It was a fairly cold storm (for San Diego) and this morning I finally had to turn on the heat. I usually fire it up when the inside of the house gets around 60°F and it was close enough at 61°F, outside was a "cold" 52°F.

Today we had unusually high winds for San Diego and as I was watching SDSU beat up on Air Force I kept hearing what sounded like a door shutting hard. "A" looked out and the wind actually broke my gate.

So now I have another project this weekend, but it will have to wait. We just scored two free tickets to the Battle on the Midway being played on the USS Midway between SDSU and Syracuse University. Friends of ours had the tickets but could not go so they gave them to us. The tickets are going between $150 to $500 dollars and the court-side are going for $1,000. It looks like only about 5,000 seats will be available and the game is sold out. We are very lucky and grateful for them.

My next post will be about the game.


K said...

You have good friends.

It seems the strong wind worked like small blast, but the door is still there. OK!

Brett said...

Yes we do have good friends. I cannot believe the gate broke.

Mom said...

Looks like Wyoming.

Brett said...

Thankfully not as bad as Wyoming.