Monday, March 25, 2013

Always cut away from yourself

Sunday we sold the stand that came with our TV we bought in September. I was going to toss it because I didn't think anyone would actually buy the stand since most people hang them on their walls. However "A" wanted to put it on eBay and it actually sold for $40. I know!! I couldn't believe it either.

So to save $$$ on the shipping I decided to cut down a box to fit the TV stand. Now you should always cut away from yourself and I usually do. But this time I cut towards myself and the box cutter slipped off the box.

I was sitting cross legged and had the cutter in my right hand. It came back and got me on the left shin just below the knee. I was lucky that it got me there because the bone stopped it from going deeper.

I was really mad because I cut through my jeans and ruined them. So I went to the bathroom and used hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound. It wasn't really big because it was a puncture wound but I knew it went to the bone. I then used antibiotic ointment and put a band-aid on it.

As I thought more about it, I couldn't remember when my last tetanus shot was so I put a call into the VA to find out. I then went back to work, however as I looked at the blade on the cutter I noticed the tip was missing. Son of a #*%#@! the tip broke in my leg. It was a small piece but I figured I should get it looked at to make sure.

I go to the ER at Balboa Naval Medical Hospital where they X-ray my leg and tell me, yep you do have something in there. The Corpsman starts to work to find it but the opening is so small he has to enlarge it. After about 20 minutes of digging and two trips to look at the X-ray he consults with the Dr. and they decided instead of doing more damage they would just leave it in there. I am pretty sure it is buried in the bone.

So I get three stitches, a tetanus shot in the arm and an antibiotic shot in the ass which hurt like hell.



K said...

I saw the pictures. Looks painful.
You must be much careful whenever you use such a kind of tool!! Are you OK? Take care.

Shell said...

I bought a new knife on Friday and while I was looking at the various ones I managed to close one on my social finger. Cut from the nail bed down the thumb side to the pad. Bled like a stuck pig for about 36 hours. Probably should have had stitches as well. At least I don't have a chunk of razor blade in me so I think yours ended up being worse. And remember Tank lopped off the end of his finger with wire cutters. Lesson learned: don't give sharp shiny things to the Guenther boys.

Brett said...

K- Not as painful as it looks really. Initially it hurt then kind of went to a dull ache. Now it only hurts when I hit it.

Brett said...

Shell- I know we are dangerous with sharp edged weapons. Unfortunately it is to ourselves.
I hope yours heals OK.