Monday, September 28, 2015

Lunar Eclipse

Excited about the Super Moon Lunar Eclipse last night I got out my tripod to so that I could get some good pictures. You can see the results below, which are really dissapointing. I took a ton of photos but most of them came out blurry. I am not sure why other than it was dark and my camera is not a fancy SLR type. It is a compact that takes pretty good photos but not this time.

I never have tried to take photos of the night sky and there are other settings that maybe would have worked but I only tried to change the white balance when it was coming out of eclipse and it help some. Anyway here is what I got.


K said...

I don't think you need to be dissappointed.
The last picture looks something special.

Brett said...

Thank you, I just wish the full eclipse was a clearer picture.