Monday, May 30, 2011

Floors Part 4

Finished the installation of the wood yesterday. Saturday, including final preparation and clean-up,  we spent about 6 hours and Sunday took about 11 hours.  Needless to say it was a lot of hard work. We were lucky on Sunday and had a friend help out, otherwise it would have taken a few more hours.

The glue is so sticky and hard to clean up that when we finished Sunday I threw away most of my tools. No way did I want to try and clean them again. The glue will stick to anything, imagine creamy melted marshmallows and multiply it by 1000, not to mention, once it drys good luck on getting it off.

Another issue was the 90% of the long planks were warped. So that added another challenging aspect, which ones to use and not use. However we only had so much wood and ended up using many of the warped ones. Of course the milling was not superb so some were not straight, I guess that is why they make wood filler.

Next up is to fill in any gaps with wood filler, sand, then apply polyurethane.

If anyone ever asks you to come over for a "fun" day of installing glue down hard wood floors....RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!


K said...

Installing wood floor is big project for DIY, I think
and you've done it at last. It looks you can enjoy good smell of wood, or still smell of glue?

You've got a good friend helper. Another ”Operation Tomodachi” .

Anonymous said...

Looks good but read my fingers, LAMINATE, BABY.

tank.62 said...

Laminate is much easier but I would have real wood if I didn't have dogs. My laminate was pricey at $4.50/sqft and looks ok, but wood looks the best in my opinion. Good job on the floor... I am kind of glad I wasn't there to help hahahahah

Brett said...

K- Yes the floor was a big project for a DIY. I am glad we did it but never again with glue down. Maybe nail down but not glue down. I like the operation Tomodachi :)

Shell- I did laminate in my other house and yes it is much easier than this project but laminate can never compare to true hardwood.

Tank- Even if I had a big dog again I would go with wood because you can always refinish wood. Also I look at any imperfection as "character" in the wood. Ironically I also use that same philosophy when I look in the mirror...LOL