Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mr. Clean and a buffer

I knew those 20 years in the Marine Corps were not wasted. As I was trying to figure out how to remove the last of the tar I reflected on my many fond memories of Thursday field days (a field day is when you clean your room and outside areas)(the "fond memories" was sarcasm). So I decided to try and use a buffer with degreaser.

What do you know, it worked like a charm. It took about 5 hours to do both rooms but in the end it finally felt like we made progress. I will go over the floor one more time just to make sure it is clean of all tar/oil residue.

We still have the closet in the front bedroom to complete and then it is on to leveling the floor. Once the floor is level we will let the wood acclimate in the rooms for 7 to 10 days. Then we install.

Actually the floor is clean it is just stained


K said...

You've made it finally! At a glance, it doesn't look clean, but now I understand it is stained.

To make flooring by DIY seems to me very delicate and difficult.
I'm waiting for [AFTER] photo, but take enough time.

Brett said...

We are getting close. I went over the office floor again today and will have to go over once more just to be sure.

We can't wait for the (after) photo too. :)