Monday, June 11, 2012

Master bath project and outdoor project part 7

Finally both projects are coming to a close. Rich, the contractor, finished his part of the project and now it is up to us to complete it. Namely painting and staining. This weekend our friends came over to help us prime the fence. We started at 0900 and they were able to stay until about 1230. However, "A" and I continued and finished around 1700.

Working Party

We decided to tint the primer.

 When you look at what needed to be done it did not look that difficult, but in reality it is completely different. The plan was to prime on Saturday and then paint on Sunday. Needless to say Sunday kinda went by the wayside.

Although Sunday wasn't a complete waste because I was able to get the sink hooked up. Last weekend we grouted the floor and the walls and on Thursday the fabricator installed the marble and it looks wonderful.

We are really excited to be nearing the completion of the two big projects. Does that mean we are done? Nope, but I think all major projects have ended. We should not have anything close to the scope of what has been completed.


K said...

What did you do or what do you think you gonna do on the fence of neighbor house side? Just leave it,
or do the same painting?

Wood deck with roof completed looks so nice!!
You'll have another fun to find attractive deck chair
and table.

Brett said...

We are not going to paint the neighbors side of the fence. If they want to paint it then they can paint it any color.

We think we will build a table outside but not sure on what kind of chairs yet.