Sunday, June 17, 2012


Today we played tourist again, I could really start to enjoy this. We went to Seaport Village to board the SEAL tour that I mentioned yesterday.  Doing the "tourist" thing is actually very educational. I learned some things today that I did not know about San Diego.

Our Crew
 On the way to the bay we went by the Star of India, the oldest active sailing ship in the world (I knew that). But next to it was the HMS Surprise, the ship that was used in the movie Master and Commander (I did not know that).

Star Of India

HMS Surprise

I must say when we went into the water I had flashbacks of splashing off ships and the shore in the Amtraks that I used to ride in the military.

We also got to see the Navy Dolphin Trainers. They were out on the bay and had the dolphin do a few jumps for us. We also got to see the Stars and Stripes, one of the boats that Dennis Conner used when he won the America's Cup.

Stars and Stripes

We had a very enjoyable day.


K said...

I think you have well refreshed!
Amtraks machine looks cool.

Brett said...

The Amtrak is cool looking but it was tough to ride in, especially in rough seas. You were like a cork in the ocean.