Thursday, May 12, 2016

Construction Creep

So not much has been happening in the last week. One of the biggest problems with construction or design, is CREEP. As you go along and improve areas you notice other items that could be improved and you think "hey since xxxx is being done I might as well do xxxx too." Well my friend, that is alive and well in this project.  There was a hallway linen closet that was original to the house but did not serve the purpose that we wanted. So we did a dreaded "change order" and decided to have it gutted and turned into a closet. I considered doing it myself later because I did not think it would be that difficult, "but since the construction guys were here........."


K said...

Contractor did it so quick and easy. Right?

Brett said...

Yes quick and easy. Too easy, makes me want to do everything that way. The only hard part is paying him :)

Of course we have now done the other bathroom.