Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Almost There

The cabinets are finally installed. We had to wait for the last one (below) to arrive. The company had ordered the wrong item. Monday and Tuesday the electrician came and completed the finish work. If you look in the third picture the light is too close to the cabinet so we had to move the light to the right. We also had to move an electrical outlet.

Of course moving the light and electrical outlet now means that I have a hole in the ceiling and holes in the wall to patch. I am now working on the patching and that the report will follow soon.

Last Saturday SDSU had the Sky Show, after the Aztecs play they have a fireworks show at Qualcomm stadium. Since we live very close we get an excellent view of the fireworks. Unfortunately I did not take an excellent picture of the excellent fireworks. But you get the picture. (pun intended)


K said...

When you get professionals, in most cases, they seem they leave DIY home work for you, and you improve your skill. That is not so bad.

The 1st picture of fireworks seems like spaceship launch with a shadow of a tree. You keep the premier seat for watching fireworks.

Brett said...

I guess it does look like a space ship launch. Yeah we are happy that we can see the fireworks from the stadium.