Monday, September 7, 2009

Foggy Morning

Woke up Saturday morning an interesting view since it had been a while since we had fog. The canyon was completely socked in and it was like being in a cloud. The heat has finally relented, at least for a few days.

The last two pictures are of a bird that we cannot identify. If anyone knows, please post the answer. The back and wings are blue and the body is kinda grayish.


K said...

The foggy pictures reminded me of the movies "The Fog", and "The Mist" based on Stephen King's novel.
But the fog in the pictures gives romantic atmosphere.

A grayish bird with blue back and wings, I have no idea.
The bird-watcher may put a comment.

Brett said...

Thankfully no monsters or pirates came out of the fog. It was really nice and cool for a change