Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mt. Soledad

Yesterday we drove to Mt. Soledad near LaJolla. It was the first time that either of us had been there and it was a little bit of an adventure since we did not plan on going until after we left the house. Mt. Soledad has a very large cross and it has been the site of controversy. The heretics (atheists/ACLU) want it removed because of the separation between church and state. It was on public land and they argued that it favored one religion over another. It is also a memorial for the men and women of the armed forces with many plaques.

The land was transferred to federal land. But the battle still goes on.

Bonus photos: We drove around LaJolla where we saw high surf, a wedding, and some guy climbing a wall. Also as I was watching the football game we had a beautiful sunset.


K said...

Beautiful ocean view and burning sunset!!

Brett said...

Yes, What a contrast the ocean and sky.