Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rain....July...San Diego???

Yes we had rain in SD tonight. It has been so hot lately, 94F when I got home at 3pm. We had monsoon moisture that built up over the mountains and usually it stays over the mountains but today the rain moved toward the coast and we got a little water. But the more important is that it cooled the air and currently as of 8:15 pm it is 76F, very nice. Yesterday at this time it was mid 80s. Keep in mind we don't have air conditioning. But then again we are wimps in SD and if the temp swings 20F either way then we complain. I did get another nice sunset, sorry but I can't help myself. Kinda like someone else I know who always took pictures of know who you are :)


K said...

It's about 10C difference between 3pm and 8pm!
Still 83F at 10pm here using air conditioner at DRY-position.

Now I know you are sunset lover!!

Brett said...

Wow 10pm and 83F, I do remember the Tokyo summers.

tank.62 said...

I was 18 years old at Grand Cayman... they were very interesting foreign ducks that I had never seen before.

Brett said...

Hahaha...I knew I could get a rise out of you....LOL