Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Master bedroom part 1

We just switched rooms and now have to transform this room into a master. First thing is to build a decent bed frame. The old one was the metal frame with wheels that came with the bed and it just wasn't cutting it.

We could either buy one for $400 or $500 bucks or build it ourselves. Easy decision. Bought all the wood at home depot for about $140 and had the frame built in a couple of hours. We didn't know if we should paint the wood or wrap it. If we decided to paint it then the next choice was what color? Flat/semi/gloss? If we decided to wrap it in fabric then what kind/color. We decided to sleep on it.

The next day it was decided after I smashed my toe into the corner ripping the toe nail in two. WRAP IT!!

We already had the leather and the batting so no $$$$ spent woo hoo. OK it's not real leather, it's pleather.

Right now it looks like a 70s water-bed but once the legs and headboard are built and added it should look pretty nice.  We also plan on building a bench/ottoman at the foot. Stay tuned.


K said...

Is this a furniture manufacturer's blog?

Hand-made frame looks simple but nice enough!

Wrapping is better idea. You can change it whenever you like, and it may keep your toe nails safe!! Take care.

Brett said...

Thank you for your kind comments. It is a simple frame and was not very hard to make.

I do treasure my toe nails :)

shell said...

I'm gonna start calling you Norm.

Brett said...

Thanks, it really wasn't that hard actually. The hardest part was deciding on the type of wood for the side panel (douglas fir or poplar) and whether to paint or upholster it.