Monday, February 14, 2011

Furnace Saga Part 2

Last week our new furnace was finally installed. I really wanted to wait until the fall to get a new one but there was no way I wanted to continue to live in a sub-arctic zone. OK so it was not that bad but the penguins are not happy as you can see in the pictures.

There are so many HVAC companies so I looked on Kudzu to try and narrow it down on who to select. If you have never used Kudzu you should check it out. It is a place where customers can rate just about any type of business. I  narrowed it down to two companies and I think either one would have been a good choice. I ended up going with Sherlock Heating and Air because it was a little less and if you do not like the furnace they will buy it back within the year.  I thought that was impressive.

One guy did the whole job. He arrived at 1030 and was done just before 1500. I was impressed. When he arrived I told him that I would be taking many pictures for the blog and he was good with that.  Some people have a problem but he was a great sport, when he finished a certain point he would call me so I could take more pictures.

I am so glad that I did not try to wait it out until this fall, we have another series of storms for this week and they are saying that the snow level could be as low as 2500 feet.  While we are not nearly that high our daytime highs will be in the 50s and the lows will be in the 30s.

There were gaps in the floor so he sealed them for better airflow from the returns.

This is the old furnace heating elements.

The new heating elements. Amazing what 50 years of technology will improve upon.

Old vs. New. He had to add the ducting to connect the much smaller new furnace.

As you can see the penguin is pissed.

Finally installed!!


K said...

New furnace seems really compact!
Yes, in 50 years, technology improvement
made many thing compact and high level,
such as PC, phone,etc.,etc.

Now, you can put your down jacket into
the closet, but penguins have to find and
move to the place somewhere comfortable.
Good luck for them!


Brett said...

Glad you liked the penguin part :) We have a storm this weekend and next week so we are very happy to have the furnace.

Brett said...

LOL. It was really cold :)