Sunday, April 22, 2012

Master Bath Project: Day 14

This weekend was a big push to finally get all the whole tiles up. When you look at what needs to be done it looks really easy and fast but when the work starts it takes a bit longer than you expect.

As you can see we had to come up with some creative ways to hold the tile and I had to come up with creative ways to stand and tile.

Of course if you have ever laid tile before you will know that no wall or corner is EVER square. So on the pony wall I had to put a little bit more thin set to even out the corner tiles. Unfortunately, I have no one to blame but myself because I built the pony wall.

This week we will finish the drywall patching and getting the walls prepped. Then Saturday and Sunday will be the final wall tile (hopefully).  After that then paint the walls and replace the ceiling fan. The last part will be the floor.

I am actually enjoying this slower pace work. Yes it does drag out but there is no pressure to hurry and finish and that is where mistakes are made.

The inspector arrives to check my work.


K said...

It seems that the tiling is rather delicate work, especially there are corners. Slow working would be right choice.
LOL on 2nd picture.
Did inspector say "Not bad" ?

Brett said...

I got two paws up from the inspector.