Saturday, October 13, 2012

Beach Bonfire

Yesterday we were invited to a Beach Bonfire by a friend of ours. Of course I forgot my camera, this seems to become a habit that I have to break. So I was left with using my cell camera which is OK but not great.

Anyway, I took a few pictures and stitched them together. Since it rained on Thursday the air was really clear and you could see all the way to downtown. Unfortunately my cell will not zoom. But downtown is on the right side of the picture. (just a reminder, you can click on the picture for a larger resolution)

One thing I could not catch on film was a flock of birds skimming on the watter at sunset. They were literally inches above the water and there was at least 30 of them. I would have loved to catch it on video.


K said...

Stitched panorama picture is not bad!
I could see one small thing at right side on the water.
Is it a bird or buoy?

Brett said...

K- That would be a buoy. I think it is for swimming limits.

Shell said...

Three suggestions for the phone issue. Buy a better phone, tie a string to your finger, get a bionic eye.

Brett said...

If I had a bionic eye, could I take a picture with it?

Shell said...

Well sure. Steve Austin could.