Saturday, March 24, 2012

Master Bath Project: Day 1

The master bath demo has began. We both took next week off and our only focus is to have this room done before we have to go back to work.

Unfortunately we started off with a rough patch, both of us having a mild case of food poisoning.  Because of that, we did not get as far as we wanted to today but were still able to get it gutted. The hope was to take out the drywall/plaster where the tile is to be attached. This way we can frame it with studs and then have the plumber move the pipes and install the tub. 

To get the drain out of the tube I had to shove channel locks into the drain then use vice grips to turn it. It worked!

Thankfully we are both feeling a little better and should be OK by tomorrow.

Necessity, the mother of invention.


K said...

Is your stomach OK now? Take care.

Necessity, the mother of invention.
Yes,It is eternal truth.

Brett said...

Feeling a little better now. Not 100% but getting better.