Saturday, September 8, 2012

Casper to the Ranch (trip pt 3)

It taks about 2-3 hours to reach the ranch from Casper. A stop at the Parkman Bar is always a must for a beer and a hamburger.

From Parkman it's a mile down the road then a left onto Pass Creek rd for about 17 miles.

The X-X hill is the highest point on Pass Creek and definitely worth a stop for a scenic photo op.

Finally you have to turn onto the cow pasture road for a rough few miles.

Our Ranch sits on the state-line and you actually have to cross into Montana then back into Wyoming.

There are three water crossings however depending on the time of the year the last one might be dry.


K said...

You enjoyed driving thru big prairie,
and I believe beer and hamburger at
such a place would be so nice!

Brett said...

The drive through the prairie can be a bit boring but the hamburger and beer was nice.